Ted Nicholas is one the top copywriters of his times.  He has sold more than $6 billion in products – that’s more than any other guru! He’s owned 23 businesses, made millions in direct mail, knows the ins and outs of negotiating, and has written and tested copy for more than 30 years.

Ted’s primary skills is in copywriting and one of the common questions that I got is can a longer headline consisting of two lines of text give you better response than a short headline? Watch the video below to see Ted in action on responding to this.  You will also get to learn the 27 favorite headline words that you should use in your work as well. Words make a huge impact on the results of your digital marketing and direct marketing activities. It is worth studying which words are most effective, even if you are not a copywriter.

Get your pen and paper ready as you learn from the 7 minutes video below!

In addition to the above, I also found another online interview by Michael Senoff with Ted at HardToFindSeminars.com – A great resources of powerful seminars.  MIchael did a great job there.  Do check out Michael’s services on how you can also become a highly-paid consultant..

In this 80 minutes information-packed audio interview, you get to learn:

(Note: This interview is found on Michael Senoff’s Amazing Hard To Find Seminars which has a lot of other great interviews you should check out.)

• The most costly mistake Ted has ever made – and how to easily avoid making something similar
• How Ted grows his list and keeps it hot
• Tips for renting lists and ways to prevent yourself from getting ripped off
• How the internet has affected the direct mail business and what you need to know to make it nowadays
• How Ted consistently gets 80% off his magazine advertising.
• An analysis of one of Ted’s sales letters.
• Why Ted says you should never promote anything you’re not passionate about – and the one lesson he learned straight from Napoleon Hill
• Whether or not testimonials are as strong as they used to be – and how to use them to invoke the kind of emotions you want
• How to use “scarecity” tactics to effectively call people to action
• And much, much more

To Your Success!