NEW GMAIL AND YAHOO REQUIREMENTSTake note of the new Gmail and Yahoo requirements if you are using email service providers (like Aweber, GetResponse, ClickFunnel, Mailchimp etc). As of 1 February 2024, Google, Yahoo and other mailbox providers require that you authenticate your email domains with DKIM and DMARC. To ensure uninterrupted email sending beyond 1 February 2024, fully authenticate your email domains.


☢️‼️❗️ WARNING ‼️❗️☢️


New Gmail and Yahoo requirements for mail were announced that they are putting new protections in place to keep inboxes safer and less spammy, which also means bulk email senders will need to adhere to specific requirements to get delivered to inboxes.

These new rules will be enforced by Gmail and Yahoo Mail in February 2024 and apply to all bulk senders everywhere.

Notice from Google is at:

Notice from Yahoo is at:

Google and Yahoo specifically are making it so you cannot send emails using a gmail or yahoo address from anywhere other than the gmail or yahoo email clients. It applies to all bulk senders regardless of the marketing platform you choose. Deciding to ignore the requirements will result in your mail ending up in the spam folder come February 2024 and later.

Below is the notice from Aweber (the email provider that I used) and the steps to address this:



So check with your mail service provider (eg. Aweber, GetResponse, ClickFunnel, Mailchimp etc) and take do 3 steps to be ready.

Step 1️⃣: Send mail from a professional email address with a custom domain (instead of gmail, yahoo, hotmail etc)

Step 2️⃣: Authenticate your emails with custom DKIM

Step 3️⃣: Set up a DMARC Policy

It took me 30 minutes to complete the above for all my domains. Quite fast. If you are not familiar, I would suggest you to consult with your mail service provider and domain name provider for assistance.  If you are not using any email service provider for your website, you do not need to take any further actions.

[For Aweber user, you can follow this step-by-step guide from Aweber on what needs to be done.]

To your success,
Keith Choy

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