Here’s my favorite resources on Self-Improvement:
Qi Men Hourly Chart from Joey Yap is where I reference before I make my important decision (this change on 2-hourly basis). Qimen is about spiritual destiny
Feng Shui Explorer guides on using Feng Shui. Check out the tutorial video on that page first.
Yi Jing Guide is a metaphysics tactic which I use to make decison for that moment in time.
Yi Hexagram Plotter. I use this together with my Yi Jing Guide in making my decision. I also have the Yi Jing cards when I can do this without going online.
Bazi Chart when I can generate my Natal and Yearly Bazi chart. There is also a 2-hour update on the Door open on that timing. Bazi is about life destiny.
Xiao Liu Ren 小六壬 is a technique that I used to make quick decision without need for any other tools. This video show how to use this or this second video.
Chinese Calendar Tongshu show the readings of the day. It also shows the Auspicious time of the day. Use this if you do not have the whole tongshu calendar.
Tong Shu Almanac is an online reading of the next 3 days. It shows how what is favorable and what should be avoided. Do take own judgement and don’t follow blindly.
Skillon online tool shows Feng Shui Flying Star Calculator, Flying stars monthly and yearly arrangement, Personal 8 Mansion life KUA, and Bazi with year to year general view of you luck and Personalised date selection.